TJ Enjoying His Bike
TJ Looking Good On His Bike
TJ playing the saxaphone while in the band at Hampton University
TJ was very excited when the band played at the Meadow Lands!!
TJ and a visit with Santa Claus

TJ wanted to visit Santa Claus and finally got his wish.

TJ excited about the future!
TJ loved when his grandpa visited.  TJ was the apple of his eye.
Castles in the Sand
TJ loved going to the beach and playing in the sand.  On this particular day, TJ was trying to build three castles.  The waves kept covering them up.  TJ enjoyed life all of his life.
TJ wanted to follow in his father's foot steps.  He loved his dad and pretended to be his dad.  TJ wanted to hunt, fish, and learn mechanics.  TJ thought there was no man as big, strong, or as smart as his dad.  TJ had three strong men to follow, his father, Grandpa Dee and Grandpa Aubrey.  TJ said when he grew up he would be like the strong men in his life.  TJ loved family and the idea of having a happy home with strong parents.  TJ had a strong foundation in family and most of all God.  It is no wonder TJ grew to be a loving caring man.
TJ loved birthday parties and birthday cakes.  He reminded everyone early about his birthday. TJ loved to blow out the candles and he loved home made cakes.  Especially his Grandmother's cakes.